This is a 3-YEAR post-senior secondary course. This Higher National Diploma in General Agriculture program is unique because it focuses on the people component of agriculture. This begins with the consumer, ends with the producer and involves all those along the food and value chain. Agribusiness is the study of decision-making within this setting.
Courses in the first two years of this program ensure that participants have a solid general agricultural background on which to practice agribusiness and management. Students gain knowledge, understanding, and the skills related to soil fertility improvement, mechanized agriculture, animal health and improvement, crop production and improvement, non-traditional agriculture, etc. The participants become functional agriculturists.
Graduates gain insight into the agribusiness environment through mastering concepts in economics, finance, marketing and business management. The graduates move beyond simple financial records keeping to financial analysis, market analysis and sales design. They learn to manage human resource productivity including the dynamics of motivating people to exact results in the farm and agribusiness industry. They also learn to manage credit delivery and micro finance schemes targeted at farmers.
The Higher National Diploma in Agriculture, Agroforestry & Environments is designed to train a cadre of well-rounded and highly motivated development workers that could facilitate promotion of agroforestry in community-based and people-oriented forestry projects. The Higher National Diploma in Agroforestry focuses on agroforestry development and management, with emphasis on knowledge acquisition, skills development, and environmental value formation.
Graduates learn how to write up agroforestry plans that farmers follow for years to integrate agroforestry and wildlife into their farms and lands. Graduates learn the current dynamics of restoring soil fertility to dry and waste lands. Graduates understand and have the skills to protect water bodies for posterity. They can heal and restore forests and they can create their own forests.
The course covers, silvi-culture, ripian buffers, wind and fire breaks, alley cropping, etc. Participants also learn the human aspect of agro-forestry – which has to do with understanding the dynamics of human settlements, community mobilization to support agro-forestry and forestry projects. Participants also learn how to source funds for agro-forestry projects – identifying donors, reaching out to them, and maintaining donor confidence in projects. The course is all inclusive.
The first two years of the program is spent on gaining a strong foundation in general agriculture. Students learn about soils composition and soil structure and fertility, crops production and improvement, animal husbandry, nontraditional agriculture, and general farm management. Participants become functional agriculturists first before they become agro- foresters. They are able to integrate right combinations of trees and shrubs into all farming enterprises.
The Higher National Diploma in Agroforestry program creates Plantation managers, conservation agriculturists, forest healers, traditional herbal plant protectors, and agro forestry consultants etc. Agro forestry is the new HOPE to Sub-Saharan Africa’s restoration of depleting forests and soil fertility, protection of water bodies and aquifer, and sustenance of food security.
The Higher National Diploma in Agricultural Extension Management is a three -year programme which includes at least 3-4 months of supervised industrial experience to be arranged by the institution.
The level of performance of the agriculture sector is dependent on the level of productivity of its numerous farmers. The productivity of farmers also depends on their access to new technologies and the quality of training and education they receive. The Higher National Diploma programme in Agricultural Extension Management is intended to prepare individuals who can assist the farmers to improve their productivity and share experiences and new information among themselves. The programme has a broad range of courses in basic sciences, technical agriculture and communication. The graduates of the programme are prepared to assume positions in teaching, agricultural extension and rural development
This program focuses on the administration of agricultural business.
The study of business involves both theory and practice. Successful business people must be able to analyze a situation, examine various alternatives, and combine parts of solutions to solve the particular problem being faced. Our courses immerses you into the business program before you go further to learn more about human resources, marketing, financial management, industrial relations, research, strategic management, information systems, as well as specialized topics in areas such as environmental sustainability.
If you are looking for a career that will help you to feed, clothe, house or even fuel the world this program is for you. This program will give you a comprehensive education that will allow you to work in production agriculture, agribusinesses that keep agriculture moving, or businesses that process, market and distribute products from agriculture. You will gain skills in crops & livestock, finance, agri-business management, marketing and the latest technology so you can be successful in any area of agriculture.