Consultancy In cooperation with various sister organisations, KITA provides consultancy to beginners ad practicing farmers. Where resource persons are lacking directly in KITA's staff links are provided to equally capable experts to provide expert advice needed. We believe in farming for a profit hence consultancy is given by people with requisite expertise in the related field.
Environmental Recovery and Sustenance Projects KITA is involved in the planting of trees around water bodies. Trees are also nursed and distributed to surrounding communities for the preservation of their farmlands. Organic Agricultural Network (GOAN) to impart organic agriculture to trainees. KITA has alley cropping projects and demonstrates alley cropping to trainee farmers. The institute tends to establish a Traditional Medicine Sustenance Product where a natural habitat will be fully propagated with traditional medicinal plants.
KITA's wide and intense attachment with the outside world gives it access to external agricultural markets. KITA can arrange for exports and imports because of its links with external ain internal institutions and organisations and its 18 years of experience in the agricultural market trends. Hence KITA can conveniently arrange for imports and exports of agricultural products and exports of agricultural products traditional and non-traditional. KITA IS A CERTIFIED MEMBER OF IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements) and has been making a major contributing to the promotion of organic and natural farming in Ghana. In October 2006, KITA was approved as an exporter of organic and natural agricultural products for the produce of farmers trained at KITA. KITA Looks forward to network with interested organic importers and exporters from around the world.
The institute conducts agricultural education on FM Radio Stations in the Kumasi vicinity. Through the Public Radio therefore knowledge about farm management, farm establishment and others are taught on the radio. Farmers are able to phone in to present their problems for solutions and new technologies are also transferred through this media.
KITA has farms that generate output to subsidize training and other expenses. These farms are used for demonstration purposes to trainee farmers. Trainees enjoying a harvest of new cassava varieties The income from these projects is also used to improve training facilities. KITA instils in its students the need to grow what they eat, thus students consume most of the produce from these demonstration farms.
KITA is in constant interaction with the grassroots farmers especially, those in villages near KITA. Hence KITA conducts research into the problems of these farmers for solutions where within its capacity. Its well-trained trainees are always available for participatory research and other researches. Unfortunately KITA has no laboratory of its own where problems are beyond KITA's capacity they are referred to Crop Institute and Other Research Institutions. It must be noted that KITA intends to establish an agricultural research centre for training farmers from surrounding communities.
The institute is committed to helping rural people though group formation and training thereby helping build confidence of credit institutions in rural agricultural credit delivery and recovery. this is done with special reference to gender with the empowerment of women as a major prospect.
KITA's well-trained graduates/professional farmers are always available as farm managers. KITA graduates have tested and have proven records of reviving collapsed farms and making unprofitable ones profitable. In most cases they are recruited before they even graduate from school and most have won Best Farmer Awards
Exchange Program:
KITA has links with some overseas training organisations and institutions. In line with the current surge to introduce modern technology into Ghanaian agriculture, KITA allows staff and students to go for overseas training to gain exposure to modern agriculture.
Long Courses:
Long Courses Diploma in Tropical Agriculture This is designed for Farm Managers, Bank Project Officers, Professional Farmers, District Agricultural Extension Officers, NGO Project Officers and Development Workers. The course is intended to equip participants with requisite practical and theoretical knowledge for them to become professional farmers and agriculturalists.